Maritime Risk Intelligence Blog

Bridge Watch: Stranded Seafarers

Written by Dryad Global | March 9, 2023 at 12:00 PM

About 2,000 seafarers in 112 ships were berthed in Ukrainian ports across the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov before Russia’s invasion. After the war broke out, most crew were evacuated, but 331 seafarers remain stuck on 62 vessels across nine Ukrainian ports, including Mariupol and Odesa.

In this week's Bridge Watch, Corey Ranslem, Dryad Global's CEO discusses the topic of stranded seafarers across some of Ukrainian ports.


About 2,000 seafarers in 112 ships were berthed in Ukrainian ports across the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov before Russia’s invasion. After the war broke out, most crew were evacuated, but 331 seafarers remain stuck on 62 vessels across nine Ukrainian ports, including Mariupol and Odesa.

Dryad Global alongside other major shipping industry representatives, companies and maritime organisations are urging the UN secretary general to help evacuate hundreds of seafarers who have been trapped onboard vessels in Ukrainian ports for a year.

A combination of factors has left the 331 seafarers, which includes Russians and Ukrainians, trapped onboard their ships. The grain initiative allows the export of grain and other materials from just three of Ukraine’s 18 seaports. Ships that are unsuitable for carrying grain are not allowed to leave, but mines have been dropped around many of Ukraine’s ports – making movement impossible anyway.

Diplomacy can play an important role in helping stranded seafarers get out of Ukrainian ports by facilitating communication and coordination among governments, international organizations, and industry stakeholders.

One possible approach is for diplomatic channels to be used to encourage the Ukrainian government and other relevant authorities to take action to address the challenges faced by seafarers, including those who are stranded at ports. Diplomatic efforts can help to raise awareness of the situation and encourage local authorities to prioritize the issue, provide assistance and resources, and work with the maritime industry to find solutions.

Diplomacy facilitates dialogue and cooperation among international organizations, such as the United Nations, the International Maritime Organization, and the International Labor Organization, as well as relevant industry associations, such as the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Transport Workers' Federation. These organizations can and should be working together to develop and implement strategies to address the challenges faced by seafarers, including the repatriation of stranded crew.

Heightened diplomatic negotiations can also facilitate the sharing of best practices and lessons learned among countries and industry stakeholders, which can help to identify effective solutions and promote collaboration and coordination. This type of diplomacy helped the UAE to take steps towards ensuring better care for seafarers, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Some of these initiatives include:

  1. Designation of seafarers as key workers: The UAE recognized seafarers as key workers, which allowed them to continue their work during the pandemic and ensured their access to essential services and resources.
  2. Establishment of a humanitarian corridor: The UAE, along with other countries, established a humanitarian corridor to facilitate the repatriation of seafarers stranded at sea due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.
  3. Provision of medical care: The UAE provided medical care to seafarers in need, including those who tested positive for COVID-19, through its healthcare system and mobile clinics located in ports.
  4. Deployment of COVID-19 safety protocols: The UAE implemented strict COVID-19 safety protocols in its ports and airports to ensure the safety of seafarers and other workers.
  5. Partnership with international organizations: The UAE partnered with international organizations, such as the International Maritime Organization and the International Chamber of Shipping, to develop and implement strategies to support seafarers during the pandemic.
  6. Launch of seafarer welfare initiatives: The UAE launched several initiatives to improve the welfare of seafarers, including the creation of a dedicated welfare committee and the establishment of seafarer support centers in ports.

Why do Seafarers end up stranded on vessels?

  1. Crew change restrictions: COVID-19 travel restrictions have made it difficult for seafarers to leave and join their vessels, resulting in extended periods at sea and crew changes being delayed.
  2. Port closures: Some ports have closed to international traffic, making it difficult for vessels to dock and seafarers to disembark or join their vessels.
  3. Financial difficulties: In some cases, vessels may be abandoned by their owners or operators due to financial difficulties, leaving the crew stranded on board without proper provisions or wages.
  4. Legal disputes: Seafarers may be stranded due to legal disputes between vessel owners, charterers, and other parties, which can prevent the vessel from leaving port or result in crew being stranded.
  5. Safety concerns: Seafarers may be stranded on board vessels due to safety concerns, such as piracy, civil unrest, or adverse weather conditions, which prevent the vessel from departing or reaching its destination.

Seafarers who are stranded on vessels face a significant impact on their physical and mental wellbeing, as well as the safe and efficient operation of the vessel. It is important for all stakeholders in the maritime industry to work together to address these challenges and ensure the welfare of seafarers.

Human rights play an important role in protecting the welfare and dignity of seafarers at sea. As workers in a global industry, seafarers face unique challenges and are often subject to harsh working and living conditions.

How can human rights help seafarers at sea?

  1. Right to fair and safe working conditions: Seafarers have the right to fair and safe working conditions, including reasonable hours of work, safe and healthy working environments, and access to adequate food and water.
  2. Right to freedom of movement: Seafarers have the right to freedom of movement, including the right to enter and exit ports, the right to disembark, and the right to repatriation.
  3. Right to health: Seafarers have the right to health, including access to medical care and emergency services, and the right to be free from discrimination based on their health status.
  4. Right to social protection: Seafarers have the right to social protection, including access to social security systems, workers' compensation, and other forms of social assistance.
  5. Right to decent living conditions: Seafarers have the right to decent living conditions, including access to adequate accommodation and recreational facilities, and the right to privacy.

Respect for these human rights can help to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and dignity of seafarers at sea. The promotion and protection of human rights are essential for the sustainable growth of the maritime industry and the well-being of all those who work within it.