Channel 16 - Maritime Risk News

‍What does the future look like for yachting regulation?

Written by Dryad Global | October 19, 2022 at 10:00 AM

‍What does the future look like for yachting regulation? Join Dryad Global's CEO Corey Ranslem at the 3rd Superyacht Americas 2022 conference as he discusses what regulations are on the horizon for the yachting industry.

Find out how regulators are planning to keep up with rapid changes to the maritime security environment, especially in the field of cyber security. It's all happening at the 3rd Superyacht Americas 2022 conference organised by ‍Mare Forum and supported by main sponsor Cayman Registry.

When: Wednesday, October 26th, 2022 at 09:50am

Where: Renaissance Fort Lauderdale Marina Hotel

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The panel, titled, "The future of regulation - what is needed, fiscal and legal issues - Looking Ahead" will discuss and debate imperative issues relating to yachting, including: 
‍- How has the pandemic impacted yachting?
- Will yachts be operated differently?
- Can the regulators follow the speed of the first movers with effective global regulations?
- Is regional regulation a bad thing in the meantime?
- Are there new skills required for the yachting industry?
- Do you believe we need new skills and expertise plus more diversity in yachting?
- What are the future trends?

Who is the conference for? Yacht owners, yacht builders, yacht designers, executives from the yacht, shipping and maritime industries, lawyers, flag and port states representatives, brokerage companies, key investors in yachting, bankers, consultants and entrepreneurs, classification societies, marine and yachting equipment manufacturers, financial institutions, regulators, and the media.

Guest speakers:
Moderator - Sherice Arman Partner, MAPLES GROUP

- Thierry Voisin President, European Committee for Professional Yachting, ECPY
- Corey Ranslem CEO, Dryad Global
- Cris Wenthur Managing Partner Wenthur Law Group, LLP
- Alison Vassallo Partner, Fenech & Fenech Advocates
- Rear Admiral Peter Brady, Director General, Maritime Authority of Jamaica
- Barrett Wright President, Hill Robinson USA
- Andrew J. High Principal Owner, High Law LLC
- Louis R. Montello Owner, Montello & Associates, P.A
- Robb R. Maass Partner, Alley, Maass, Rogers & Lindsay, P.A.

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