Single (credible) and unconfirmed source :
UPDATE: Reporting indicates that an attack may occur in a region inclusive of offshore Togo and Benin, the wider Nigerian EEZ, Sao Tome and the Nigerian JDZ. This area is assessed as critical risk, with an attack highly likely while the risk in waters surrounding this area remains substantial.
It is advised that vessels transiting this area exercise increased vigilance and precautionary measures.
Reporting indicates that "...a group that may be planning an attack, deep offshore, positioning a speedboat at up to 200nm off Bayelsa and then attack a passing ship.
It is allegedly the same group that was behind the attack against the VEMAHOPE in April."
This alert remains single (credible) source and unconfirmed. Vessels transiting the area are encouraged to observe normal recommended precautions and enhanced vigilance. Dryad Global will continue to monitor and update accordingly.