1 min read

Haifa Port Blockaded

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Thursday morning saw the opening of yet another day of planned national disruption, with the organizers of the ongoing anti-government protests operating across the country in what they are calling a "Day of Shame in Opposition to Dictatorship."

Already early in the morning at half-past-seven members of the "Brothers in Arms" group made up of reservists arrived in the haredi city of Bnei Brak in order to establish a mock army recruiting office outside the municipality building.

At the same time, a number of navy veterans sailed small boats into Haifa port and blocked the entrance to merchant ships, proclaiming, "Sailors refusing to sail toward dictatorship."

Overnight, police arrested five activists who are suspected of having painted main roads in Jerusalem while disguised as municipal workers and with masked faces. The road leading up to the Supreme Court building has been spray-painted in red and pink.

450 Army officers and soldiers from the special operations and cyber branches hung a huge billboard at the Elyakim junction upon which was written, "Dictatorship is splitting the nation."

Starting at eight o'clock this morning, parents and children from across the country will be participating in road-blocking events. A protest outside various embassy buildings in Tel Aviv is planned for ten o'clock, and at seven o'clock this evening, a large protest is planned in Habimah Square in Tel Aviv.

Further protests in Tel Aviv are planned throughout the day, and a number of roads in the city will be closed, including Kaplan Street from Ibn Gabirol to Menachem Begin, in both directions and Yigal Alon Street. Access to Road 20 from the HaShalom Bridge will also be blocked.

Israel National News 16 March 23