The General Union of Oil and Gas Workers renewed the threat to shut down ports, in protest of the government ignoring their demands, such as an increase in salaries, activation of medical insurance and health care, and exemption from income tax.
In a statement, the union said, "We hold the Government of National Unity fully responsible if the demands of workers in the sector are not met, and that the decision to reduce production or close oil export ports has become the option available to workers in the oil sector."

The union began its statement by noting that they sent many correspondences, held many meetings, and “unfortunately, we received many promises at all levels, all of which failed,” noting that “the workers in the oil and gas sector during the previous period served the higher national interest."
The statement explained that over the past years, they have refrained from closures and sit-ins to demand their rights, preferring to negotiate, meetings, and discuss these demands with decision-makers.
"With reference to the issuance of Cabinet Resolution No. 642 of (2013) to increase the salaries of the oil sector, and since we have seen the recent statements of the Prime Minister to activate recent laws and decisions issued in 2017 concerning some ministries, no effort was made for the oil and gas sector and this has angered workers of all segments and levels, who have proven their efficiency and ability to stabilize work and the production," the statement noted.
The statement concluded, "As representatives of workers in the oil and gas sector, we will have to take the necessary measures to obtain our rights and activate the decision, taking into account the steps taken by other ministries to collect their rights in a manner that does not contradict the law and legislation in force."
Alwasat - Cairo