In the midst of the familiar tumult in the Middle East, the current chaos has peaked, revealing distinct patterns and involved parties.Iran and its proxies are aggressively expanding their influence, transcending traditional targets like Israel and the U.S. The recent incursion into Pakistan by Iranian forces drew swift condemnation from Islamabad, highlighting the escalating conflict.
The intensity of the Iran-U.S.-Israel conflict is poised for further escalation, especially with Abdul-Malik Al Houthi's operations challenging the Revolutionary Guard. The killing of key Iranian Revolutionary Guard figures in Syria exposes vulnerabilities in Iran's intelligence capabilities, emphasizing Israel's technological superiority in surveillance and tracking.

Israel's targeted strikes aim to deter the Iranian regime and its proxies, signaling a covert war. Iran's overt support for militias, openly supplying weapons to groups like Hamas, is now exposed. The U.S., aware of Iran's role, has been silent, possibly to revive the nuclear deal or avoid responsibility for responding to Iranian threats.
The conflict in the Red Sea, distinct from the Gaza war, serves Iran's strategic goals—expanding regional influence, threatening maritime security, and pressuring the reduction of U.S. naval presence. Iran seeks to assert itself as an influential player in the Middle East, capable of shaping the region's destiny.
The rapid escalation aligns with discussions about Gaza's fate, as Iran fears the exclusion of its key proxy, Hamas. The absence of Hamas in post-conflict scenarios poses a significant threat to Iran's regional influence. The current upheaval underscores Iran's determination to showcase itself as an indispensable force, capable of both igniting and calming the Middle East.
Source: The Jerusalem Post