Dryad Global's Annual Report 2022/2023: The State of Maritime Security is released today. Inside you'll find the latest intelligence on analysis on the Gulf of Mexico, Libya, Ukraine, South East Asia, West Africa and the Indian Ocean and you'll hear from leading industry experts including the IMO's Frederick Kenney.
As the world’s farthest-reaching and perhaps most vital industry, shipping is especially vulnerable the risks caused by geopolitical events. Dramatic developments, in war risk, illegal territorial expansion, cybercrime and global health issues all significantly challenged the maritime industry in 2022.
Set against this backdrop. Dryad Global have delivered actionable insights and decision-making support tools to the maritime industry, covering the immediate crisis facing shipping at the outbreak of the Ukraine war, developing geopolitical uncertainties in the Taiwan Strait, Iranian activity within the wider Middle Eastern Gulf, the continued threat of piracy within the Gulf of Guinea and mitigation tools for cybersecurity threats.
Never before has the threat to the commercial maritime market been so multifaceted and required impartial and nuanced analysis. In this report we have brought together experts from around the world to provide a unique perspective and insight on these global events and the implications for the shipping industry, both now and in the future.