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floating armouries

Vessel Protection - Why where floating armouries created?

The upsurge of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and wider Indian Ocean in 2006 to 2009, led commercial ship owners to contract armed guards to protect their vessels transiting the formally specified High..
July 22, 2024

Vessel Protection -Floating Armouries - Legislation

In this article, we collect the key regulations governing the operation of floating armouries.
September 01, 2020

Vessel Protection - Floating Armouries and the Law on individuals

There are three main legal and regulatory angles regarding the people involved in floating armoury operations: labour laws, arms trading laws, and long arm laws. Here we look in more detail at all..
August 31, 2020

Vessel Protection - Floating Armouries and the Law

Floating armouries, which store weapons for Private Maritime Security Companies, operate under a patchwork of international and national laws. With no specific global regulations, they fall under the..
August 31, 2020

Vessel Protection - Floating Armouries and the Law SERVICES

Delving into the complex operations of Floating Armouries, this mini-series explores the legal framework that governs each aspect. Here, we highlight the vital SERVICES provided by these vessels.
August 31, 2020

Vessel Protection - Floating Armouries - How do they operate?

Exploring the inner workings of Floating Armouries, the intricate procedures involved in the initiation, management, and logistics of PCASP embarking and disembarking from FAs may vary. However, a..
August 31, 2020

Vessel Protection - Floating Armouries and the Law - The vessel and Armoury

It is essential to recognize that Floating Armouries (FAs) are fundamentally vessels and are thus subject to a vast array of national and international laws governing maritime operations. In this..
August 31, 2020

Vessel Protection - Floating Armouries Evolution

The decision by governments in the HRA to eliminate potentially insecure or destabilizing stockpiles of weapons from their jurisdiction, coupled with the demand from contractors for easy access to..
July 01, 2018