Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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39 Min Read

Best Management Practice BMP5 Anti Piracy Measures

Best management practices 5 (BMP5) is the fifth version of a set of guidelines intended to deter piracy and enhance maritime security primarily aimed at operations in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden,..
October 01, 2023
18 Min Read

Guidance for when ships come under attack BMP

There are some fundamentals to that form the basis of a good response to an attack by illegal forces such as pirates or armed belligerents. Here we will delve deeper into these good practices.
September 01, 2020
8 Min Read

Guidance on Ship Protection Measures against crime

BMP5 provides Ship Protection Measures (SPM) based on real-life experience of piracy attack and incidents of maritime crime. Here we look at the best management practices to deter piracy.
September 01, 2020