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Islamic State Threat in the Greater Sahara Expands
Violence linked to the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) more than doubled in the past year. Concentrated along the Burkina Faso-Niger-Mali border areas, ISGS events target civilians nearly..
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Why register vessels in the Cayman Islands?
The yachting industry, like many other travel-related industries, was initially hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are now signs of recovery in the area of yacht sales and charters and..
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Maritime Cyber Security & Threats December Week 3
Dryad and cyber partners RedSkyAlliance continue to monitor attempted attacks within the maritime sector. Here we continue to examine how email is used to deceive the recipient and potentially expose..
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Russia and China Team Up in the Indian Ocean
The US and its allies may have military dominance in the region, but it’s no guarantee of influence.
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Boarding - 95nm S Brass
Reporting indicates that when sailing from Lome to Bata, the Maltese flagged, containership PORT GDYNIA (9526459) was approached and boarded by an unknown number of attackers.
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Yemen: Saudi-led coalition announce power sharing government
The Saudi-led coalition fighting in Yemen announced on Friday a new power-sharing cabinet that would include southern separatists in the internationally-recognised government, part of a deal to end a..
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Boarding - 118nm SW Bonny Island
Reporting indicates that when sailing from Tema to Kribi, the Singapore flagged, containership MAERSK CADIZ (9526459) was approached by an unknown number of attackers.
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Suspicious Approach - 175nm SW Beyelsa State
Reporting indicates when in transit deep offshore Nigeria, at about 170nm South West Brass island, an unknown vessel has been approached by one speed boat.
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