Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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Security (22)

Boarding - 160nm SW Brass

Maritime Security: Reporting indicates that the Maltese flagged MT NEW RANGER has been boarded 160nm SW of Brass, Nigeria.
December 15, 2020

Boarding - 50nm SE Agbami

Maritime Security: Reporting indicates that the Maltese flagged MT NEW RANGER has been boarded 50nm SE Agbami Terminal.
December 06, 2020

Approach - 210nm South of Lagos

Reporting indicates that the French flagged MT VERRAZANE (IMO 9649146) was approached approximately 210nm South of Lagos
December 05, 2020

Boarding - 220nm South Lagos

Reporting indicates that MT NEW RANGER has been boarded 220nm South of Lagos.
December 05, 2020

Attack - 35nm South West of Nishtun

Reporting indicates that an MV was attacked approximately 35nm SW of Nishtun.
December 05, 2020

Attack - 200nm South West of Bayelsa State

Reporting indicates that an MT approached by 1 white speed boat. It is understood that shots were fired.
December 04, 2020

Attack - 150nm South West of Port Harcourt

Reporting indicates that the M/V COOL GIRL reported being attacked by 2 speed boats.
December 03, 2020

Suspicious Approach - 85nm SW Brass

Reporting indicates that an MT was approached by 2 speedboats 85nm SW Brass. Vessel and crew are safe.
December 02, 2020

Kidnapping - 75nm South Lomé

Reporting indicates that the MV AGISILAOS (IMO:9315745) was boarded by an unknown number of persons while underway.
November 30, 2020

Kidnapping - 14nm NNW Pennington Terminal

Reporting indicates that the St Kitts flagged general cargo vessel MILAN (IMO 8113619) has been boarded 14nm NNM of the Pennington Terminal 10nm from shore. .
November 26, 2020