Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

The Ch16 Maritime Risk Blog is your free resource for insights and analysis on maritime risks, safety, and (Cyber) security for the maritime professional.

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Security (23)

The Number of Small Fishing Vessels Smuggling Illegal Drugs Has Tripled

A lack of options for commercial fishermen in coastal communities has led to a boom in trafficking
November 24, 2020

ESSCom forms task force against robbery at sea

The Eastern Sabah Security Command (ESSCom) have set up a taskforce team to eradicate robberies at sea which are taking place in the waters of the Eastern Sabah Security Zone (ESSZone).
November 18, 2020

Kidnap confirmed - 40nm South Lomé

Reporting indicates that contact has been lost with the MT STELIOS K IMO: 8679209 in route to Lagos.
November 17, 2020

Suspicious approach - 59nm South Lome

Reporting indicates that the MT SKS DONGGANG (IMO:9461855) was approached by a skiff with an unknown number of persons onboard.
November 17, 2020

Kidnapping - 44nm South Brass

Reporting indicates that the Ghanaian flagged general cargo vessel AM DELTA (IMO9015929) has been boarded resulting in the kidnap of 5 crew.
November 16, 2020

Kidnapping - 78nm NW Sao Tome

Reporting indicates that the Liberian flagged Heavy Load carrier ZHEN HUA 7 (IMO9166560) has been boarded while drifting 78nm NW of Sao Tome resulting in the kidnap of 14 crew.
November 13, 2020

Approach - 198nm South Cotonou

Reporting indicates that the Marshall Islands flagged Chemical tanker VALLEY OAK (IMO9438145) was approached deep offshore Benin.
November 12, 2020

CRITICAL Risk - Gulf of Guinea

Operations within the Gulf of Guinea are often conducted against the backdrop of heightened risk. This is partly due to the prevalence of piracy in the region, and the relative lack of both counter..
November 11, 2020

Attack - 70nm South East Cotonou

Reporting indicates that the Marshall Island flagged M/T JANE was attacked by a single skiff
November 11, 2020

Attack - 95nm South Cotonou

Reporting indicates that the Marshall Island flagged M/T LA BOHEME was attacked by 2 skiffs
November 10, 2020