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Posts about

china (5)

Why the rusting wreck of a second world war ship is so important to China

Over the past two decades, China has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, undergoing a transformation that extends beyond its economic prowess. China’s pursuit of enhanced military capabilities,..

The Implications of China’s Growing Military Strength on the Global Maritime Security Order

Over the past two decades, China has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, undergoing a transformation that extends beyond its economic prowess. China’s pursuit of enhanced military capabilities,..

China coast guard deploys ‘floating barrier’ to cut off disputed South China Sea shoal

Philippines says it ‘strongly condemns’ move at Scarborough Shoal which prevents its fishing boats from gaining access.

What Is at Stake For the EU in the South China Sea?

Both ASEAN and its European counterpart have strong incentives to strengthen their cooperation on maritime security issues amid increasing Sino-American frictions.

India planning a 175-ship Navy fleet to counter China in Indian Ocean: Report

The Navy currently has 132 warships, combined with 143 aircraft and 130 choppers.

'We reject the unlawful maritime claims...' US on 2023 Edition of China's Standard Map

The United States on Tuesday (5th Sept.) rejected the so-called "standard map" claims by China and called on the nation to comport with its maritime claims in the South China Sea and elsewhere. In a..

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Japan Extends Defense Aid to Pacific Nations as Tensions With China Rise

The leaders of Japan and Indonesia have agreed to bolster their ties in maritime security and their cooperation on climate change, energy and investment between the Asian archipelago nations.

White House Scoffs at Beijing’s New Map, ‘False Maritime Claims’

WASHINGTON — The United States will continue to push back against Beijing’s “false maritime claims,” said John Kirby, the National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, in..

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Towards a Robust Philippines-India Maritime Security Partnership

Since both countries have experienced the impacts of China’s gray zone activities, the sharing of intelligence, information, and best practices will be vital.

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US Navy Releases RFI For Pacific Training Support Vessels

The US Navy released a Request For Information (RFI) on August 28th for a new class of training vessels dubbed the Pacific Training Support Vessel (PTSV). The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)..

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