Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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Maritime Piracy (34)

Maritime piracy in Mexico… a ticking time bomb

MEXICO CITY (Informex) – Communication equipment, diving equipment, tools, wiring, metal caps, navigation instruments, watches, cell phones, and even wallets, stolen by groups of pirates from oil..
August 31, 2020

Attempted Boarding - Lome Anchorage

Reporting indicates that the containership BAHMAS was approached by a small craft containing boarding equipment and personnel.
August 29, 2020

Possible Hijack 95Nm South of Lome

Reporting indicates that a fishing vessel has been boarded approximately 95 nm south of Lome, and appears to be hijacked.
August 28, 2020

Attempted Boarding - 114nm SE of Tema, Ghana

Reporting indicates that a vessel has reported an attempted boarding by a small craft (c12m) 6-8 persons on board, with ladder sighted.
August 28, 2020

Panama-flagged AEGEAN II Boarded 180 nm SW off Socotra

Reporting indicates that the Panama Flagged Chemical Tanker AEGEAN II has been attacked by unknown armed men (with links to local militias), 180 nm SW Socotra, in what appears to be an attempted..
August 20, 2020

Yaounde Code of Conduct taking shape in the Gulf of Guinea

Security professionals in the Gulf of Guinea know that if they want to spot criminals in the open water, the best place to look is along a maritime border.
August 05, 2020

Robbery - Ciudad del Carmen

Reporting indicates that a number of armed criminals have committed a robbery at an equipment yard in Ciudad del Carmen.
July 30, 2020

Violent Robbery - 12nm NE Coatzacoalcos

Reporting indicates that the Mexican flagged Offshore Supply Vessel the MV NATALIE was boarded whilst conducting operations in the vicinity of the ODIN Offshore platform 12nm NE of Coatzacoalcos.
July 27, 2020

Stranded on ships, 200,000 workers struggle in coronavirus limbo

Seafarers around the world caught up in what UN warns is a growing humanitarian crisis blamed for several suicides.
July 24, 2020

Coronavirus, Piracy and West Africa

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 is likely to have an impact on maritime operations in West Africa; despite the COVID-19 pandemic piracy kidnappings have not reduced.
July 23, 2020