Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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Four Tunisians arrested for piracy over engine thefts from migrant boats

Men held in Sicily accused of intercepting vessels and demanding cash, phones and vital engines.

Western Indian Ocean: Migrant smuggling and illegal fishing on the rise

The United Nations Contact Group on Piracy in the Western Indian Ocean has been advised to pay attention to increased cases of migrant smuggling and illegal fishing, as it expands its focus following..

Inside the latest mission to save migrants in the Mediterranean

This is the time of the year when small flimsy boats, known in Spanish as pateras, try to cross the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. The central Mediterranean route is the most dangerous way to reach..

Stowaway's story raises questions about Nave Andromeda incident

Further questions have arisen over a decision to deploy special forces against a group of seven asylum seekers accused of hijacking an oil tanker after one of them told the Guardian they only..

69 migrants hidden on fishing vessel intercepted by UK Border Force

The interception off the Norfolk coast, one of the biggest this year, took place in bad weather and the migrants were found hidden beneath the deck.