Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

Intelligent Broadcast of Global Risk Intelligence and Security

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Why Can’t the U.S. Navy and Its Allies Stop the Houthis?

The global shipping industry faces a deteriorating situation with increasing delays, disruptions, and costs.

Security, privacy and tax: navigating the risks of superyacht ownership

During the 60th Venice Biennale, amidst the prestigious art exhibition at the Giardini, another spectacle unfolded on the water with the presence of some of the world’s most opulent yachts.

The Russian strategy in the Mediterranean

Russia has historically focused its naval strategy on continental waters, primarily the northern seas, rather than the Mediterranean.

Is China at War in the South China Sea?

Recent incidents in the South China Sea highlight China's aggressive maritime strategy.

Floating Armouries

The upsurge of piracy in the Gulf of Aden and wider Indian Ocean in 2006 to 2009, led commercial ship owners to contract armed guards to protect their vessels transiting the formally specified High..

Maritime Security Levels

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is an amendment to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention (1974/1988) on minimum security arrangements for ships, ports and..


Historically, maritime security guidelines and best practise have evolved in response to incidents or issues that have resulted in a clear gap in the provision of the procedural core function,..

Fine sentiments are no defence to Houthi missiles

World Toilet Day, with its impactful slogan, highlighted the plight of billions lacking modern sanitation.

EU Aspides force lacks ships to protect Red Sea maritime traffic

In early April, there was a notable reduction in Houthi rebel attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.

Houthi Ship Attacks Pose a Longer-Term Challenge to Regional Security and Trade Plans

The Washington Institute has reported an escalating threat to commercial shipping in the Red Sea, particularly since the onset of the Gaza war and Operation Prosperity Guardian.