Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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China Maritime (4)

Towards a Robust Philippines-India Maritime Security Partnership

Since both countries have experienced the impacts of China’s gray zone activities, the sharing of intelligence, information, and best practices will be vital.
September 07, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

US Navy Releases RFI For Pacific Training Support Vessels

The US Navy released a Request For Information (RFI) on August 28th for a new class of training vessels dubbed the Pacific Training Support Vessel (PTSV). The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)..
September 01, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

US given OK to enforce maritime law around Palau as Washington vies with China for Pacific influence

BANGKOK - The United States has signed a new agreement with Palau, which gives American ships the authorization to unilaterally enforce maritime regulations in the tiny Pacific island nation’s..
August 30, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

As Australia strengthens its ties with the Philippines, it’s wading even further into the dangerous South China Sea

At the end of last week, 1,200 Australian troops took part in a joint military exercise in the Philippines with hundreds of Filipino and American forces. Their mission: simulating the retaking of an..
August 29, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Laser and Water Cannon Diplomacy in the South China Sea

The South China Sea dispute presents several relatively new phenomena in the modern study of relations among nations. In this seven-country disagreement, we can see how a country deliberately built..
August 28, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Keeping tabs on China’s murky maritime manoeuvres

America and its allies are using whizzy new tools to track China’s military activity and illegal fishing. IN JANUARY 2021 a fleet of Chinese fishing vessels approached the coast of Oman, apparently..
August 24, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Battle For Indian Ocean: How EU And India Can Strengthen Maritime Security

China’s strategic use of ports, as well as its growing military presence in the maritime space in general, has increasingly aroused the displeasure of other actors in the Indian Ocean, including..
August 22, 2023
11 Min Read

Iran-Arab Gulf Joint Naval Force and China’s ‘Collective Security Architecture’

The imploding geopolitical core of West Asia frequently spews out explosive new threats and unstable strategic alliances that often fizzle out in time. Many grandiose initiatives, such as the..
July 12, 2023

Dryad Global Annual Report 22/23: How likely is a Chinese maritime blockade of Taiwan?

Dryad Global's CEO Corey Ranslem talks to Greg Poling, a Senior Fellow and Director at the Southeast Asia Program and Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative. They discuss the likelihood of a Chinese..
June 22, 2023

China’s naval presence in Indian Ocean raises concerns for Indo-Pacific security

China's expansion of its naval power and the aggressive posture it has adopted in the Indo-Pacific region will be a significant topic of discussion at the upcoming G-7 and QUAD summits.
April 27, 2023