Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

The Ch16 Maritime Risk Blog is your free resource for insights and analysis on maritime risks, safety, and (Cyber) security for the maritime professional.

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Cyber Security (7)

Cyber Security Act key in safeguarding Ghana’s maritime industry

The Director in Charge of Legal at the Ministry of National Security, Osei Bonsu Dickson Esq. has indicated that the maritime industry stands to benefit greatly from the newly passed landmark..
November 02, 2021

Passenger vessels & superyacht maritime cyber security threats

In this interview with Help Net Security, Peter Broadhurst, Maritime Senior VP Safety, Security, Yachting and Passenger, Inmarsat, talks about the impact of cyber threats on passenger vessels and..
September 07, 2021

Superyacht cyber security: the new threat facing billionaire owners

Buyers at London superyacht conference shown the ease with which hackers can take control of vessels – and even procure private photos (this article was originally printed in 2017; however, it is..
July 19, 2021

Maritime Cyber Security & Threats 23-31 May 21

Dryad and cyber partners RedSkyAlliance continue to monitor attempted attacks within the maritime sector. Here we continue to examine how email is used to deceive the recipient and potentially expose..
June 02, 2021

Maritime Cyber Security & Threats 25 Apr - May 21

Dryad and cyber partners RedSkyAlliance continue to monitor attempted attacks within the maritime sector. Here we continue to examine how email is used to deceive the recipient and potentially expose..
May 04, 2021

Maritime Cyber Security & Threats 12-18 April

Dryad and cyber partners RedSkyAlliance continue to monitor attempted attacks within the maritime sector. Here we continue to examine how email is used to deceive the recipient and potentially expose..
April 20, 2021

Maritime Cyber Security & Threats 4-11 April

Dryad and cyber partners RedSkyAlliance continue to monitor attempted attacks within the maritime sector. Here we continue to examine how email is used to deceive the recipient and potentially expose..
April 12, 2021

Maritime Cyber Security & Threats Feb -March 2021

Dryad and cyber partners RedSkyAlliance continue to monitor attempted attacks within the maritime sector. Here we continue to examine how email is used to deceive the recipient and potentially expose..
March 22, 2021

Digitalisation: An arrow in shipping’s quiver or hackers’ ace in the hole?

Digitalisation in the maritime sector remains a double-edged sword, because while technology and digital tools support the supply chain significantly, these same tools have opened new vulnerabilities.
March 17, 2021