Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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Maritime Security (21)

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Advisory 22nd May 2023

Access the latest Maritime Security Threat Advisory for the week commencing 22nd May 2023.
May 22, 2023

Piracy and Armed Robbery in Southeast Asia: The Need for a Fresh Approach

The region needs to address the growing incidence of piracy and armed robbery before it becomes a serious security concern.
May 22, 2023

Europe’s mistakes in Libya

Europe overestimated the prospects for rapid democratic transition in Libya, and will likely continue to face successive crises without a long-term strategy.
May 19, 2023

Piracy On The Seas: The Great Security Challenge Of The 21st Century

Piracy at sea is an activity that is as old as maritime traffic for thousands of years. This activity is so present that it has become accepted as part of the tradition of many nations. Although it..
May 18, 2023

Naval Diplomacy: The Case For A Maritime G7

In a world hastily retreating from globalization, the maritime domain has emerged as the critical arena for global peace, prosperity, and security. However, a concerning vacuum of leadership has..
May 17, 2023

Asia war risk premium seen mostly firm on Persian Gulf concerns

Maritime war risk premiums for commercial shipping are expected to remain firm over the next several months, if not years, due to prevailing geopolitical risks and even the country of ownership and..

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Advisory 15th May 2023

Access the latest Maritime Security Threat Advisory for the week commencing 15th May 2023.
May 15, 2023

The dark fleet - creeping anarchy in the world’s oceans

The fatal explosion that ripped through the tanker Pablo offshore Malaysia has focused attention on the dangers the “dark fleet” raises for shipping safety.

EU calls for stricter security architecture at Nigerian Ports

The European Union (EU) has called for stricter security architecture at Nigerian ports and maritime domain. Comments from the EU came during the closing ceremony of the Western and Central Africa..
May 11, 2023

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Advisory 8th May 2023

Access the latest Maritime Security Threat Advisory for the week commencing 8th May 2023.
May 10, 2023