Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

The Ch16 Maritime Risk Blog is your free resource for insights and analysis on maritime risks, safety, and (Cyber) security for the maritime professional.

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Maritime Security (7)

Re-Imagining Africa’s Agency in Global Maritime Security

To address rising maritime security challenges along the African coastline, including the capture of the fishing vessel Almeraj 1 off the coast of Somalia, the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and..
December 22, 2023

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Advisory 18th Dec 23

Access the latest Maritime Security Threat Advisory for the week commencing 18th December 2023.
December 19, 2023

The Challenge of Maritime Security in the Global South

In the complex realm of maritime security, the Global South faces new and emerging threats that demand collaborative strategies in order to effectively improve interoperability among government..
December 18, 2023

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Advisory 11th Dec 23

Access the latest Maritime Security Threat Advisory for the week commencing 11th December 2023.
December 12, 2023

Unlocking the Minilateral Paradigm for ASEAN Maritime Security Cooperation

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) currently faces many time-sensitive challenges, maritime security chief among them.
December 12, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Pole Star Global: Combatting a new era of maritime sanctions evasion

Deceptive shipping practices (DSPs), notably AIS spoofing and dark fleet activity, have surged in recent years. This presents a formidable challenge for sanctions compliance. Pole Star Global and..
December 11, 2023

NATO Needs a Maritime Strategy for a Darker Age

In today’s evolving maritime landscape, NATO faces a critical need for a revamped Maritime Strategy to effectively align with the shifting dynamics outlined in the 2022 Strategic Concept. The current..
December 08, 2023

Philippines Seeks Greater Regional Cooperation on South China Sea Disputes

Amidst escalating tensions in the South China Sea, the Philippines seeks to foster regional cooperation by engaging with neighboring nations like Malaysia and Vietnam. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr...
December 07, 2023

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Advisory 4th Dec 23

Access the latest Maritime Security Threat Advisory for the week commencing 4th December 2023.
December 05, 2023