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Posts about

pirates (3)

Somali pirates have all but disappeared but other threats remain at sea

Cases of piracy in the Indian Ocean have fallen significantly but maritime security experts say other illicit activities remain a concern.

Cyber Pirates

Swashbuckling pirates and sabotage on the high seas have gone digital. Ransomware has replaced the cutlass.

Nigeria's Pirates Switch From Kidnapping Seafarers to Stealing Oil

The Gulf of Guinea is witnessing a shift in the dynamics of piracy, with criminal networks moving away from targeting commercial maritime and switching to oil bunkering, theft and illegal fishing, a..

Ghana drafts plan to protect blue economy

Ghana sees enormous potential in its blue economy, but faces threats including piracy, illegal fishing, drug smuggling and human trafficking.

Iran’s Drone Piracy Shows How Naval Warfare Is Changing

At sea and over Ukraine, unmanned military systems are taking over from expensive legacy systems.

Piracy: EU extends naval presence in Gulf of Guinea to February 2024

The European Union (EU) has extended its naval presence in the Gulf of Guinea under the auspices of the Commercial Maritime Presence (CMP) until February 2024.

Armed Pirates Rob Offshore Platform in Bay of Campeche

Armed pirates struck another platform operated by Pemex last week, forcing the crew to help them cart off stolen goods before departing again.

Combating piracy in the world’s most dangerous waters

The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on combating piracy in West Africa. Norway and Ghana introduced the initiative and led the negotiation process leading up to the resolution.

UN authorisation to fight piracy in Somali waters lapses

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has not extended a resolution for the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea within Somalia’s territorial waters.


The United Nations Security Council has not extended UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2608 (2021) which, among other measures, allowed for the fight against piracy and armed robbery of..