Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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risk assessment (12)

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 25th October

As of the 25th of October, one incident has been reported 86nm SW Agbami Terminal with one vessel understood to have been boarded. In addition, MDAT GOG have issued an alert for an increased risk of..
October 25, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 18th October

This week, the IMB reported that piracy and armed robbery incidents were at their lowest for the first nine months of any year since 1994.
October 18, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 11th October

Nigeria continues to dominate the narrative in the Gulf of Guinea this week.
October 11, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 4th October

Within the Gulf of Guinea, gunmen have kidnapped 4 fishermen in Akwa Ibom amidst rising militancy in the region.
October 04, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 27th September

Following the release of US Maritime Administration (MARAD) revised advisory (2021-009) in early September, vessels are reminded of the need for vigilance with two Houthi Waterborne IED vessels..
September 27, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 20th September

In East Africa this week, the Mozambican navy arrested 20 personnel offshore Mocimboa de Praia on suspicions that they were affiliated with Islamist insurgent group, al-Shabaab.
September 20, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 13th September

This week in the Middle East, tensions increased as rocket fire was exchanged between Israeli and Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip. Tensions around the Gaza Strip are increasing, several months..
September 14, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment Monday 6th September

Access the latest Triton Scout Maritime Security Threat Assessment for the week commencing Monday 6th September.
September 06, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment Monday 30th August

Access the latest Triton Scout Maritime Security Threat Assessment for the week commencing Monday 30th August.
August 30, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment

Access the latest Triton Scout Maritime Security Threat Assessment for the week commencing Monday 23rd August.
August 25, 2021