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armed robbery

Yaoundé Architecture played key role in quelling piracy in Gulf of Guinea - KAIPTC

21 incidents of maritime piracy and armed robbery at sea have been recorded for the first nine months of 2023, in comparison to the 19 incidents recorded in all of 2022, according to the ICC..

Nigeria, 3 Others Launch Operations to Combat Sea Piracy

Nigeria, Benin Republic, Togo, and Niger Republic have joined forces to inaugurate “Operation Safe Domain II,” a collaborative effort aimed at eradicating piracy and maritime crimes in the Gulf of..

Four Tunisians arrested for piracy over engine thefts from migrant boats

Men held in Sicily accused of intercepting vessels and demanding cash, phones and vital engines.

Nigeria & shipping industry launch strategy to eliminate piracy in GoG

The Government of Nigeria and a coalition of global shipping stakeholders have launched a new strategy to end piracy, armed robbery, and kidnapping in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG).

Armed Pirates Rob Offshore Platform in Bay of Campeche

Armed pirates struck another platform operated by Pemex last week, forcing the crew to help them cart off stolen goods before departing again.

UN authorisation to fight piracy in Somali waters lapses

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has not extended a resolution for the fight against piracy and armed robbery at sea within Somalia’s territorial waters.


The United Nations Security Council has not extended UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 2608 (2021) which, among other measures, allowed for the fight against piracy and armed robbery of..