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Hamas (2)

Counterpiracy Lessons for the Current Crisis in Yemen

In the past two months, the waters around Yemen have witnessed an escalation in Houthi militant attacks on merchant shipping near the Bab el Mandeb strait, connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden.

Israel divides the Middle East

In the Middle East, a complex power struggle is underway among three key states: Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, all with varying degrees of hostility towards Israel.

US UK airstrikes risk strengthening Houthi rebels’ position in Yemen and the region

The U.S.- and U.K.-led airstrikes on the Houthi group in Yemen on January 11, 2024, targeting approximately 60 locations across 16 sites, mark a significant development in the Middle East conflict.

Red Sea shipping costs rising after Houthis target more commercial vessels

As reported by Reuters, the cost of shipping goods through the Red Sea is increasing due to the escalating attacks by Yemen's Houthis on ships they believe are connected to Israel.

Houthi threat to Israel, threatens maritime security in volatile Middle-East

The escalating threat posed by Iran-backed Houthi insurgents in the Red Sea has raised concerns about maritime security in the volatile Middle East.

Assessing Yemen as a Second Front in the Gaza War

In recent events, Yemen's Houthi rebels hijacked a cargo ship indirectly linked to Israel, signaling their alliance with Hezbollah and Hamas in opposing Israel's actions in Gaza. The hijacking of the..

Houthi militia risk dragging America into a new global war

The Houthi militia in Yemen is posing a significant risk that could potentially drag the United States into a new global war.

Houthi maritime attacks signal alarming rise in piracy sophistication, require urgent global response

In a concerning development, recent Houthi attacks at sea indicate a level of sophistication and training previously unseen in maritime piracy.

Iran’s Proxies in Yemen Are a Danger We Can’t Ignore

Attacks on military bases manned by U.S. Armed Forces and defense contractors in the Middle East, carried out by Iran-backed proxies, have reached a total of 66 since October 17.

Israel’s Maritime Industry Asks The Government To Aid With Jump In War Insurance

The escalating conflict in Gaza has led to a tenfold increase in war risk premiums for ships bound for Israel, prompting industry stakeholders to seek government assistance in ensuring the continued..