Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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It's Time for a Comprehensive National Maritime Strategy

The United States faces a unique challenge as a global power without control over its commercial shipping.

Does Vietnam-Philippines Maritime Cooperation Offer a Template for the Region?

The recent state visit of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to Hanoi underscored the deepening strategic alignment between the Philippines and Vietnam concerning maritime security and the..

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The Quad’s growing focus on maritime security

The emergence of minilateral initiatives in the Indo-Pacific, particularly the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) involving Japan, Australia, India, and the United States, has garnered global..

Maritime Diplomacy in the ASEAN Maritime Security Strategic Partnership

The concept of Dynamic Equilibrium in regional diplomacy, particularly within Indonesia's defense diplomacy, revolves around establishing a dynamic balance among the forces involved, avoiding..

Once again, Pacific security is Japan’s priority

Japan, emerging from World War II, embraced post-war reconstruction and economic development, relying on the security umbrella provided by the United States.

The Maritime Implications of Indonesia’s Presidential Election

Indonesia, the world's third-largest democracy and largest Muslim-majority nation, faces a crucial presidential election on February 14.

Unlocking the Minilateral Paradigm for ASEAN Maritime Security Cooperation

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) currently faces many time-sensitive challenges, maritime security chief among them.

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Philippines Seeks Greater Regional Cooperation on South China Sea Disputes

Amidst escalating tensions in the South China Sea, the Philippines seeks to foster regional cooperation by engaging with neighboring nations like Malaysia and Vietnam. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr...

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

ASEAN Maritime Security and What Next Week’s Navy Exercises Mean

Australia’s experience and reputation can support Southeast Asia’s aim of multipolarity. And it doesn’t need to be flashy.

Stay on Top of Global Maritime Issues

Japan Extends Defense Aid to Pacific Nations as Tensions With China Rise

The leaders of Japan and Indonesia have agreed to bolster their ties in maritime security and their cooperation on climate change, energy and investment between the Asian archipelago nations.