Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment 20th Dec 2021

Access the latest Triton Scout Maritime Security Threat Assessment for the week commencing Monday 20th December.
December 20, 2021

Dockers' Strike Threatens Ivory Coast Cocoa Bean Exports

A week-long strike by dockers in Ivory Coast's two main ports of Abidjan and San Pedro could hurt cocoa bean exports from the world's top cocoa producing nation after workers blocked access to the..
December 20, 2021

Protests at Gwadar should be wake-up call for Islamabad.

Pakistan Wanted Gwadar to Be the Next Singapore. China’s Role Didn’t Help.
December 17, 2021
1 Min Read

Malaysia to work with Caribbean countries on maritime issues

Malaysia wishes to work with the Caribbean countries under the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme on several issues.
December 16, 2021

Piracy in Gulf of Guinea: Ghana to push for international response

Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the Minister of Information says Ghana will push for international response to address the incidence of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) when it a takes her seat on the UN..
December 15, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment 14th Dec 2021

Access the latest Triton Scout Maritime Security Threat Assessment for the week commencing Monday 13th December.
December 14, 2021

House approves Philippines’ maritime zones

The house committee on foreign affairs chair Ann Hofer says the bill’s approval 'marks an important step towards consolidating maritime jurisdiction as declared in the historic Arbitral Award'.
December 14, 2021

Kidnapping - 48nm SW Luba

Reporting indicates that a containership has been attacked at location 03 11 N -007 49 E, 48nm SW Luba.
December 13, 2021

BIMCO seminar: Gulf of Guinea piracy

BIMCO, with the support of the International Transportation Workers Federation (ITF), World Shipping Council (WSC), and the International Shipmanagers’ Association (InterManager) is hosting a seminar..
December 13, 2021

Concerns over Panama Canal working conditions

The International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots (MM&P) warned of another supply chain crisis in the Panama Canal which has the potential to impact international maritime trade “to an extent..
December 13, 2021