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Geopolitics (3)

Russia In The Black Sea: The Law Of Armed Conflict At Sea Needs Due Consideration Alongside UNCLOS

The Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) applicable at sea must be considered alongside the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982 and military intent of the Kremlin for influence of Russian..

Maritime security in the Black Sea is an international problem

The West – with or without the US Navy – needs to return to the Black Sea to help break the maritime blockade, protect humanitarian shipping to fight global famine, and, not least, uphold universal..

NATO deactivates more mines in Black Sea

The NATO Shipping Centre (NSC) informed that drifting mines have been detected and deactivated in the Western Black Sea by coastal nation’s authorities.

The US and changing geopolitics of the Red Sea

A great power scramble for the Red Sea region is witnessed as recent geopolitical events have boosted the strategic relevance of the region.

How to Avert an Imminent Disaster off Yemen’s Red Sea Coast

Crisis Group calls on governments, international institutions and affluent private individuals to reach into their pockets as a matter of extreme urgency to help stave off a disaster of dramatic..

Gunboat diplomacy: Iran ramps up aggression in Strait of Hormuz

Gunboat diplomacy is defined in terms of international politics as the pursuit of foreign policy objectives by displaying signs of aggressive naval power, implying the threat of warfare if agreeable..

Groundhog day in Libya

‘Libya has two prime ministers. Again. Groundhog day,’ Anas El Gomati, Director of Libya’s Sadeq Institute think tank, tweeted recently. Once again, the chronically troubled country has two rival..

Iran-linked missile & maritime threats continue

Since the 1980s, US forces, partner states, and regional waterways have been threatened by Iran’s increasingly precise ballistic and cruise missiles and naval forces, all of which put US economic and..

Not all maritime disputes are built the same

Maritime disputes in Southeast Asia should be viewed less as a single big basket of problems, and more as smaller individual problems with their own corresponding solutions. There is not a..

Linking maritime governance with maritime security

For centuries, oceans—covering more than 70 percent of our planet—have been and still continue to be a major source of food, energy, and livelihoods.