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South China Sea News (3)

Philippines Establishes New Coast Guard Outposts in South China Sea

The new outposts reinforce the presence of Filipino troops in the hotly contested Spratly archipelago.
May 24, 2022

Not all maritime disputes are built the same

Maritime disputes in Southeast Asia should be viewed less as a single big basket of problems, and more as smaller individual problems with their own corresponding solutions. There is not a..
May 03, 2022

China's security deal with Solomon Islands raises alarm in Pacific

China could send forces to help in 'maintaining social order,' draft agreement says.
April 15, 2022

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines praise ‘zero kidnapping’ anti-piracy naval patrols

Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines have lauded the success of a 2017 agreement to conduct joint patrols and share intelligence about activities in waters in their region once prone to..

EU offers encrypted tool to fight maritime security threats in Indo-Pacific

The European Union is seeking to ramp up its maritime security influence in the Indo-Pacific by offering access to a web-based platform that enables member countries’ navies and coastguards to..

China does not have it all its way in the South China Sea

Disputes in the South China Sea go back decades. They involve Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam, all with contesting claims.
February 18, 2022

China’s maritime law in the South China Sea

Apart from military power, China has been using a variety of political, economic and legal tools to further gain control of the South China Sea (also known as the East Sea).
November 01, 2021

More undersea activity in South China Sea increase risk after crash

Submarines proliferating in the South China Sea are increasing risks in already treacherous waters, security experts said Friday, a day after the Navy announced an undersea collision in the..
October 12, 2021

US MARAD security warning update:Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Western Indian Ocean

Regional conflict, heightened military activity, and increased political tensions pose threats to merchant vessels operating in the above geographic areas.
September 30, 2021


The China Coast Guard (CCG) is growing in capability, capacity, and confidence.
September 29, 2021