Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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Abandon ship — growing use of uncrewed vessels threatens Africa maritime security

The utilisation of maritime drones for offensive operations in the Black and Red Seas signals a shift in naval warfare.

Somalia Turkey maritime deal is a win for both countries and not a power play for the horn of Africa

The recent defence pact between Somalia and Turkey marks a significant step for regional security, focusing on land and maritime cooperation to bolster Somalia's defence capabilities.

Anchoring Stability in the HoA: The Transformative Impact of Somalia-Turkey Maritime Security Pact

The ratification of the Maritime Security and Economic Development Treaty between Somalia and Turkey heralds a pivotal moment in the tumultuous history of the Horn of Africa.

Turkey Planning To Become Dominant Naval Player In The Caspian – Analysis

Russia’s Caspian Flotilla has been dominant in the inland sea for so long that many have ignored the fact that, over the past several years, it has ceased to be the only national navy that matters.

Could Greece, Turkey tensions spill into open conflict?

Greek officials say relations with Turkey are so tense before elections in both countries next June that a military incident is possible in the Aegean or Eastern Mediterranean that could trigger a..

Who will control the Black Sea?

Wars have been fought for centuries over command of the Black Sea.

Turkey says Greek coast guard fires on cargo ship in Aegean

Greek coast guard ships opened fire on a cargo vessel sailing in international waters in the Aegean Sea, the Turkish coast guard said, escalating tensions between the regional rivals that have..

Benghazi Elmreisa Free Zone to Africa transit trade road approved

Libya's Transport Ministry has approved in principle the building of a transit trade road to Africa and the establishment of a free zone in the city of Kufra, Benghazi’s Elmreisa Free Zone.

Violence towards refugees at Libyan detention centres forces MSF out

Medical charity says abuse and attacks have escalated as more migrants are intercepted at sea and camps become increasingly overcrowded.

Spain reopens its embassy in Libya

The Spanish Embassy in Libya reopened on June 3rd. Libya’s head of government said during a press conference marking the occasion that the country is experiencing a historic moment.