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Context en achtergrondinformatie: ontvoerde crew aan boord van de Nederlandse olietanker Davide B
De MV Davide B is op 11 Maart 2021 aangevallen door 9 bewapende individuen 213nm (nautische mijlen) ten Zuiden van Cotonou. 15 van de 21 crewleden zijn ontvoerd, de nationaliteit van deze crewleden..
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Libyan National Army Grants Turkish vessels access to Eastern Ports
The General Command of the Libyan National Army, led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, announced on Wednesday that they have granted permission for commercial ships carrying the Turkish flag to enter..
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Spanish police seize narco-submarine in Malaga raid
Police in Spain have seized a homemade submarine capable of transporting up to two tonnes of drugs.
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Increase in attacks on ships in the Middle East
Recent tensions at sea include allegations by Iran that Israel has carried out an attack on one of its cargo ships in the Mediterranean.
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Why Britain is tilting to the Indo-Pacific region
Some will call it a tilt, others a rebalancing and yet others a pivot but, either way, the new big idea due to emerge from the government’s foreign and defence policy review is the importance of the..
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Why some ships vanish before unloading in the Middle East
On a radar map, the northern mouth of the Suez canal resembles a Bermuda Triangle-sur-Mer: ships have a habit of disappearing. So it was with the Emerald, an oil tanker which went through the canal..
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Digitalisation: An arrow in shipping’s quiver or hackers’ ace in the hole?
Digitalisation in the maritime sector remains a double-edged sword, because while technology and digital tools support the supply chain significantly, these same tools have opened new vulnerabilities.
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Will the Biden Presidency lead to greater maritime security in 2021 within the Persian Gulf?
Anticipating the Biden Administration’s Iran strategy is crucial for understanding future risks to maritime operators in the Persian Gulf. Though the new U.S. Administration has officially offered to..
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