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Posts about
Maritime Crime (4)
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New programme for West Africa maritime security
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is working to improve maritime security in West Africa and is offering a new and innovative programme entitled the “IMO Whole of Government Approach to..
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Boarding of Vessel 7nm SE Agbami
Reporting from MDAT-GoG indicates that a vessel was boarded 7nm SE Agbami Terminal.
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Mozambique's tuna corruption scandal puts justice on trial
The biggest corruption trial in Mozambique's history is under way at a maximum security prison, at the same time as the credibility of the country's judicial system is on trial in neighbouring South..
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How illegal fishing off Cameroon’s coast worsens maritime security
In Cameroon there is growing awareness that there’s a direct relationship between illegal and unregulated activity in the fisheries sector, and maritime security in the waters off the country’s coast.
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Gulf of Guinea Piracy: UN praises NIMASA effort in combating piracy
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), praised efforts made by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) in the battle against maritime piracy in the Gulf of..
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Crew change crisis: IMO member states need to act
Conditions for crew changes around the world have improved in the last six months, but not by enough. The global shipping community needs to maintain its pressure on IMO member states, says Ian Boyd,..
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Sailor recounts pirate attack on MV Tampen at Gabon port
Deepak Udayaraj, the second officer of the Indian merchant shipping vessel MV Tampen which came under attack by pirates in the Gulf of Guinea, off Gabon in West Africa recounts the attack.
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Mozambique insurgency: focus on criminality at sea
The insurgency in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique has been placed firmly in the international spotlight since radicals linked to Islamic State launched their audacious attack on the town of..
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