Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

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A Contested Global Order at Sea

Recent events have starkly exposed the vulnerabilities in the global maritime order.

Comparing Gray-Zone Tactics in the Red Sea and the South China Sea

Gray-zone tactics, which operate between peace and war, are increasingly used by actors to further their interests without engaging in open conflict.

The Quad: Responding to China’s Moves Into the Indian Ocean

President Mohamed Muizzu of the Maldives, inaugurated in November 2023, has adopted a pro-China stance, advocating for the removal of Indian troops and fostering closer ties with Beijing.

How maritime law enforcement can combat China’s gray-zone aggression

In recent events, China's Coast Guard has displayed aggression in the South China Sea, notably forcing a Filipino fishing crew away from Scarborough Shoal, a territory recognized as belonging to the..

In the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, the Sum of its Parts is Greater Than the Whole

The recent EU engagements in the Indo-Pacific, including the third EU-Indo Pacific Ministerial Forum and the 24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting, highlighted significant differences between European..

It's Time for a Comprehensive National Maritime Strategy

The United States faces a unique challenge as a global power without control over its commercial shipping.

The Quad’s growing focus on maritime security

The emergence of minilateral initiatives in the Indo-Pacific, particularly the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) involving Japan, Australia, India, and the United States, has garnered global..

Maritime Diplomacy in the ASEAN Maritime Security Strategic Partnership

The concept of Dynamic Equilibrium in regional diplomacy, particularly within Indonesia's defense diplomacy, revolves around establishing a dynamic balance among the forces involved, avoiding..

The Maritime Implications of Indonesia’s Presidential Election

Indonesia, the world's third-largest democracy and largest Muslim-majority nation, faces a crucial presidential election on February 14.

'Grey war zone' in South China sea a cause of concern: Indian Navy

India's concerns in the South China Sea have been voiced by the Indian Navy, highlighting the rise of non-traditional security threats like maritime terrorism, piracy, illegal fishing, and..