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International Trade

Israel divides the Middle East

In the Middle East, a complex power struggle is underway among three key states: Iran, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, all with varying degrees of hostility towards Israel.

Israel’s Maritime Industry Asks The Government To Aid With Jump In War Insurance

The escalating conflict in Gaza has led to a tenfold increase in war risk premiums for ships bound for Israel, prompting industry stakeholders to seek government assistance in ensuring the continued..

Splash investigation pinpoints the true scale of the shadow tanker fleet

One of the most discussed, debated questions in shipping these days is the size of the so-called dark or shadow fleet, the vast array of tankers that are travelling the world’s oceans under the..

Beyond Russia’s war against Ukraine

Russia’s war against Ukraine will be long, brutal, devastating and exhausting. It offers little prospect of a return to lasting peace.

China: Sea ports renege quarantine, promote marine trade

Chinese sea ports removed nucleic acid tests or centralized quarantines for incoming crew members who change shifts, starting on Sunday, as part of the latest moves to optimize COVID-19 response.

Reconstructing the postwar Black Sea region

The importance of the Black Sea region was made obvious by the invasion of Ukraine, and the area will likely play an important role in postwar reconstruction.

EU Could Ban European Insurance and Tanker Transport for Russian Oil

To accompany its proposed ban on the importation of Russian oil, the European Union may also decide to prohibit European companies from providing maritime transport for Russian petroleum, anywhere in..

Can 'Nato of the seas' ensure stability in trade in the Indian Ocean?

A mariner’s map is the inverse of a landlubber’s: the continents are blanks while coastlines and seas are rich with symbols. The same inversion of perspective illuminates energy geopolitics.

Not all maritime disputes are built the same

Maritime disputes in Southeast Asia should be viewed less as a single big basket of problems, and more as smaller individual problems with their own corresponding solutions. There is not a..

The Ukraine Conflict: fundamentals, conflict dynamics and commercial considerations

The Ukrainian Conflict: fundamentals, conflict dynamics and commercial considerations, our latest edition of Metis Insights is available now.