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Posts about

china (9)

Fears Of China’s New Coast Guard Law Escalating Sea Disputes

State Department says language in the law could be used by Beijing to intimidate its neighbours in the region amid South China Sea tension.

Shipping costs quadruple to record highs on China-Europe ‘bottleneck’

The cost of shipping goods from China to Europe has more than quadrupled in the past eight weeks, hitting record highs as a shortage of empty containers stemming from the pandemic disrupts global..

Russia and China Team Up in the Indian Ocean

The US and its allies may have military dominance in the region, but it’s no guarantee of influence.

The Rise And Fall Of Japan Over The Deadly Mauritius Oil Spill

Four months since the major oil spill disaster, the ghost of the Wakashio continues to haunt the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. It has rapidly turned into a very Japanese affair, that has revealed..

Seychelles in crosshairs of India's maritime security axis

New Delhi's priorities in the Indian Ocean dovetail with US Indo-Pacific strategy.

China's Expanding Economic Influence in Africa: Risk vs. Reward

The debate on Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) investments in Africa has always teetered between the risks of a “debt trap” and the benefits of industrialisation.

India takes its tussle with China to the high seas

New Delhi has shifted focus from the Himalayas to the oceans to send a warning to Beijing.

Indonesia to beef-up patrols after China coastguard raises suspicion

Indonesia will increase maritime security operations near some of its South China Sea islands after a Chinese coastguard vessel was spotted nearby, raising suspicions about its intentions, a senior..