Ch16 Maritime Risk Intelligence

The Ch16 Maritime Risk Blog is your free resource for insights and analysis on maritime risks, safety, and (Cyber) security for the maritime professional.

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US considers Georgia safe maritime trading partner

The audit results of the International Port Security Programme shows that the United States considers Georgia a safe maritime trading partner, and the cargo and ships handled in Georgian ports are..
September 21, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 20th September

In East Africa this week, the Mozambican navy arrested 20 personnel offshore Mocimboa de Praia on suspicions that they were affiliated with Islamist insurgent group, al-Shabaab.
September 20, 2021

Kenya removed from piracy red list

The global shipping industry has removed Kenya maritime waters within the Indian Ocean from the piracy red list, 12 years after it was designated a high-risk area (HRA).
September 20, 2021

Cargo Ships Act as Trans-Atlantic Drug Carriers

Police in Brazil have broken up a smuggling ring that had a curious modus operandi. For years, its divers strapped cocaine to the hulls of cargo ships departing for Europe, an increasingly popular..
September 17, 2021

Calls for collaboration to effectively tackle maritime threats in Nigeria

The Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo has identified the dearth of effective collaboration in maritime policing as one of the major impediments to tackling the emerging security..
September 16, 2021

U.S. Coast Guard train with Nigerian Navy on Maritime Law Enforcement

Twenty-four officers of the Nigerian Navy are participating in a four-week intensive U.S. Coast Guard Boarding Officer training program.
September 15, 2021

Red Sea Drones: Countering Houthi Maritime Tactics

Mariners in the Red Sea have long been threatened by pirates, but they now must deal with a much more modern threat as well: unmanned explosive boats.
September 15, 2021

Weekly Maritime Security Threat Assessment w/c Monday 13th September

This week in the Middle East, tensions increased as rocket fire was exchanged between Israeli and Palestinian forces in the Gaza Strip. Tensions around the Gaza Strip are increasing, several months..
September 14, 2021

Sailor recounts pirate attack on MV Tampen at Gabon port

Deepak Udayaraj, the second officer of the Indian merchant shipping vessel MV Tampen which came under attack by pirates in the Gulf of Guinea, off Gabon in West Africa recounts the attack.
September 14, 2021
5 Min Read

Mozambique insurgency: focus on criminality at sea

The insurgency in the Cabo Delgado province of Mozambique has been placed firmly in the international spotlight since radicals linked to Islamic State launched their audacious attack on the town of..
September 10, 2021